If you are a building owner, you may be required to post your Building Energy Efficient Rating Label by October 31st. The label, which displays your building’s energy efficiency rating in the past year, must be publicly displayed due to Local Law 95 of 2019, as a part of a larger effort to reduce carbon emissions in NYC.
LL95 aims to increase transparency between owners and tenants, and provide incentives for owners to invest in green energy. Low grades may discourage tenants, whereas high grades prove a property owner’s dedication to sustainability and the city’s long-term goals.
Does this law apply to you?
If you are:
You must post your Building Energy Efficient Rating Label at each public entrance to your building by 10/31/23.
The Next Steps
Owners can print the label through the DOB NOW Public Portal by selecting the Building Energy Efficiency Rating Label tab, and then searching by Borough, Block, and Lot. After finding the correct BIN, owners should select print and fill out the required fields. The label will then be available to print and download.
All benchmarking data is due by May 1st every year. Owners will receive their letter grade by October 1st, which must then be printed and posted within 30 days, or by October 31st.
Letter grades are calculated based on the EPA Energy Star Benchmarking Tool, which is a 100-point scale that uses a variety of data to determine top, median, and low performers. The score takes into account the occupant density, water and energy consumption, property size, and many more important factors to calculate the score.
According to the changes enacted by LL95, Energy Star Score number to grade conversions are as follows:
Failure to Comply
Failure to print or post the label will incur a fine of $1250 and a DOB violation. Building owners who do not submit their benchmarking results on time will receive an ‘F’ letter grade, which must be publicly posted from October 31st to October 1st of the following year.
After the landmark Climate Mobilization Act (LL97) launched in 2019, the city has made significant steps toward sustainability, and the current penalties will only increase as the stakes get higher. LL97 aims to reduce total carbon emissions by 40% by 2030, and 80% by 2050. While these green initiatives may appear daunting at first, it is wise for building owners to begin investing in sustainable energy now, to help promote a better future — for both themselves and for the city.
For more information on LL95 and its requirements, see the resources below. Looking for expert assistance in complying with the upcoming energy benchmark? Contact for your building code and zoning concerns.