Since September 1, 2023, After Hours Variance (AHV) permits have increased from $100 to $130. This price shift may be part of the DOB’s larger effort to combat construction-related noise complaints in New York City.
A 2017 report by the State Comptroller found that, as AHV permits increased over time, the number of construction-related noise complaints also increased. The report concluded that 75% of these complaints documented from 2014 to 2016 involved work being done with an after-hours permit. As the number of AHV permits continues to increase in 2023, the DOB may have raised the fee in order to discourage the current trend of growth.
The good news is, that the increase in price only applies to initial and renewal application fees. The daily fee will remain $80. Since September 1st, the following filing fees have been increased to $130 in the DOB NOW portal:
From September 15th onwards, the following crane fees will increase to $130 in the DOB NOW portal:
Upon applying for an AHV work permit application, the DOB will require two separate payments — the initial filing fee and the daily fee. So if you are looking to submit an application, be prepared to pay at least $210, increased incrementally by $80 per days of work.
Contact Outsource Consultants, Inc. for more assistance with navigating these fee changes, and see the resource links below to review available data and statements issued by the DOB.